Charles Mungoshi

Charles Mungoshi Poems

For one whole week
it rained without a

Intense blue morning
promising early heat
and later in the afternoon,
heavy rain.

Dotito is our brother
He is strange
He will not play with us on the streets.

The torrid silence of the October sun.
Miles upon miles and miles of burnt-out plains.

Suddenly you realise
you are talking loudly to your

You, talking to my mother
and sisters in the house.
Outside, my father and I

Now the pumpkin is ripe.
We are only a few days
from the year's first mealie cob.
The cows are giving us lots of milk.

This little boy wants me to give him
something his rich parents cannot give him.
He stands outside my door

This is the fifth warning
I won't speak to you again
I don't want to look through your kitchen


Poised on the thin edge of now
like a poleaxed tightrope walker

Sitting on the balcony
fingering a beer
I have bought
without any intention to drink:

And with the night
come my unfailing companions
the wind and the rain:

Since the time I learned that
property can be both
a blessing and a curse


It would be very convenient now
to kneel down in the gritty sand
and beat my chest

There is a school, a hospital, a street,
(Even a brothel, you say?)
Maybe two or more than two

A plane roars above
rattling the loose sheets of the roof.
Clearly he hears the click-click
of the barber's cold shears

She'll be coming in now
in a few minutes
out of the cold.
Warming the bed

We rarely talk now.
Between us
the children are quite happy
playing Indians and Cowboys


It is always very hard
to have or to find something to say.
if you honestly tell the others

You should have remained
hidden in the shadow of the tree
your hand raised at half-mast
(undecided whether to cover or not

Now there won't be any need
to tell our children
about the history of the struggle
of our gallant people's fight

Charles Mungoshi Biography

Born into a farming family in 1947, Charles Mungoshi was raised in the Chivhu area of Zimbabwe. After leaving school, he worked with the Forestry Commission before joining Textbook Sales. From 1975 to 1981 he worked at the Literature Bureau as an editor, and at Zimbabwe Publishing House for the next five years. In 1985-87 he was Writer in Residence at the University of Zimbabwe, and since then he has worked as a free-lance writer, script writer and editor.)

The Best Poem Of Charles Mungoshi

After The Rain

For one whole week
it rained without a

On the first day of sunshine
and light clothes,
a bird smashed and broke a wing
against a wall on
First Street.

For eight hours
it lay on the pavement,
flapping now and again
its one sound wing

dragging the broken one
like a warning
from the far country of its
For eight hours:
breathing softly, while the
whole human city passed by.

Towards the end of the day
a beggar
wondered what mistake it had made
in its calculations

and muttering curses to a neon sign,
cupped it in his hands
and made his way to his plastic-paper shack
by the banks of the Mukuvisi River.

Charles Mungoshi Comments

Patricia 14 August 2022

Why can't I find the cover for the poem career woman by charles mungoshi featured in the grade 8 english literiture book

3 0 Reply
olebile 06 May 2019

can I please get an analysis for grade 10 learnes.

7 0 Reply
lungile 01 March 2018

please can i get an analysis of the poem letter to a son

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