chasity barber

chasity barber Poems

In the loving embrace of death herself,
We swirl and swim in nothingness,
Listening to sweet sounds of surrendering and loneliness.
Having someone stand on your heart and what's left,

The Best Poem Of chasity barber


In the loving embrace of death herself,
We swirl and swim in nothingness,
Listening to sweet sounds of surrendering and loneliness.
Having someone stand on your heart and what's left,
You feel the weight of years of torment and torture,
Your mind and soul gives up to her.
Sadness spreads through every vain,
As we watch those who are frightened of those they serve,
And those who fight to strike a nerve.
Give thanks to those who wish to entertain,
For life itself is too much for them to take,
Entertainment to them is the only reason they wake.
Like everyone knows the real world is hard,
Kindness is rare and caring has an unfair twist,
But when you find it hold it tightly by the wrist.
For never can it last nor the memory as sharp as a shard,
But always remember love and understanding,
Because in this this world of heartache and pain that is the only feeling you have to bring.

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