chelsi Ruffing

chelsi Ruffing Poems

In the dark is were I'll be
I can't stand being me
here I go around the bend
I want this to just end

Shes sitting there trying to find out whats right
How can this be such a big fight
Lost between love and pain
Her tears seem to fall like rain

Walking down this road again
Never knowing when it will end
Just passing people by
Never stopping to say hi

I never want to lose you
Life with out you is nothing
Your that light that shines in my life
Your so much like my sis

friends are not worth loseing
boyfriends really arn't worth choseing
a friend is always there
boyfriends don't even care

loving you hurt more and more
now its like i close that door
loving you hurt me more than ever,
you broke my heart forever

My sweet love my sweet dream
So unreal so beautiful I want to scream
My sweet love my sweet dream
You have placed all the pieces back together at the seem

You said you were always there
You said you would never leave me
Now I know that was all a lie
You never cared at all

Here I am tonight
Not afraid to fade away from the light
I am tired of always having to cry
Its not going to be OK just don’t lie

Sometimes I wonder if you even care
I really don't remember you being there
I can't stand it when you lie
I gave up now it's not even worth to cry

Sometimes I feel as if I am falling.
Sometimes I feel as if the world around me never stops spinning
Sometimes I feel like giving up and letting everything go
Sometimes I feel like a puppet in a show

Fallen to pieces, broken apart
Beaten and battered, left without a heart
Put down and let fall
Lost trust then put up a wall

A life of a girl no one thinks is going to make it through
She fights with everything she has, and does what she has to,
Growing up she’ll be leaving for college soon, and on her own,
Proving to everyone who doubts her she can do it all alone,

A crying girl always sits right there
She never says a word to any one who is here
She stays to her self without a word
Crying is what everyone heard

I once was in love with you
Now I'm so very through
You said all those lies to me
I wish you could just see

They say go with what my heart tells you to do
My hearts saying I'm in love with you
Taking a chance and going with what my heart is telling me
Lets see if all of this is truly ment to be

When you said you were leaving so many thoughts in my head,
The days were coming up fast you leaving I dread,
Knowing from the start, crying I couldn't do,
Had to hold back and be strong for you,

ashly your a treasure
I'll always keep you safe
your such a sweet angel
your a once in a life time

best freinds are forever
boyfriends are what ever
I'll keep her here
I'll send him over there

All it takes it one tiny voice
To tell you that somethings not right
Why won't you listen to it
I know your very scared

chelsi Ruffing Biography

" The world is seen different through everyone's eyes." I've been writing longer than I can remember, it was always my way of getting out how I felt about something. The world is not always a happy and bright place, but at the same time it's not always dark and hateful either. Things in my life are always changing and that's okay I know that not everyday is going to be good and I know that I am not promised tomorrow. I try to find good in everything even when some days that's a little harder to do. I wouldn't say I'm an open book nor am I easy to read, but I believe with my writing I have a lot to offer and through my writing a lot can be seen. " I'm what you would call a work in progress.")

The Best Poem Of chelsi Ruffing

Why Why Why

In the dark is were I'll be
I can't stand being me
here I go around the bend
I want this to just end
I dont want these's thoughts any more
This is what goes on behind the door
I cry all night long
Everything is so very wrong
I think about dieing
Why why why
whats so very wrong with me
I hate this feeling deep inside me
Its so unfair
why doesn't any one care
I'm hurting inside
And you could care less
Why why why
whats so very wrong with me

chelsi Ruffing Comments

Spencer Dillman 27 August 2006

hey read poem number 49. i love you

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