Cheney Cline Poems

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Words Can Only Just Begin To Describe

You're more beautiful than freshy fallen crystals of pure white,
There's nothing more intense than my wanting to be yours everyday & everynight,
Never have I experienced such a tormenting delight,
Just once more I beg to of the presence of your lips against mine,


If somehow, by fate, we end up together,
I want you to know I already love you forever,

Not just as a lover, but as a friend,

His Arms

As the time flows by as swift as a river,
Even in the warm glow of the sun, without you I shiver,
It's heat does not daunt me,
Only the cold is left to haunt me,

Little Girl

A little girl is weaping sadly,
Wondering, why do they treat me so badly,
She had been beaten many times before,
But none have had this much gore,

It's Okay.....

Everytime I see you and try to say 'Hi'
Your eyes reply for you and say 'Goodbye'
Lips parted just a bit,
No words seem to fit,

Only Sweeter!

Roses are Red,
Violets are Blue,
Coming to think of it I'm still in love with you,
I know it's hard to imgine after all of this time,


M: Issing pieces here and there,
I: don't know how I learned to bare
S: uch as the burden of life,
S: o much pain and hate,

Simple Nebraska Girl

A simple Nebraska girl
has now ceased to play,
But we will all remember her
every single day,

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