Cherry Joy Clamor

Cherry Joy Clamor Poems

My love, there is no reason for you to bleed. No reason for you to bear such sorrow and nostalgia. Live the life you wished to live and I'll just watch you on the other side of this world. I'll send you letters, corked inside the bottle. I'll send you flowers on a raft. I'll send you kisses along with the wind. I'll send you hugs through the moonlight. I'll whisper in your ears amidst silence. I'll hold you close in stillness. I'll sing you songs to engrave the corners of your memory. I'll love you eternally as our distance has become so far, far beyond infinity.

My love, though this earth is dying, let us remain alive. Let us be constant in this ever changing world. Let us be those entwined souls embedded in the deepest ocean bed that no human can fathom. That even the stars will go dim of envy on our august journey. As heartless as kismet has been to us, I will forever be heartless, you will forever have my heart. And though we walk on a different world, I'll cherish the thought of us enswathed in one moon with the same stardust above our heads.

How tormenting that these shallow sheets of mosses seem to drown me.
Its dampness seem to be arid and beyond confusing.
I lay here half alive if this is still how life is define.
I gaze at the stars and they seem too dull and too pale.

We used to walk along the same road once until we reached the fork.
We used to smile for the exact same reason.
We used to intertwine our fingers as we savour the joy of being us.
We used to laugh our hearts out with a simple gesture of humour.


Amazing how time has been so kind to us.
How it drifted away leaving memories as fresh as the morning dew.
That even after each season sleeps, we remain unmoved.
That even when the sun kisses the endless horizon, we remain unjaded.

No second thoughts, no hesitations and no cautions.
Just pure courage and adrenaline pinging in every vein.
I dived deep into your ocean, careless and unrelenting.
Your ocean so beautiful with peril hidden underneath.

It wasn't there the first time, the second, the third, the fourth and the countless times we said 'Hi'.
It wasn't there when the sun peaked beyond the greens nor when the sun yawned beyond the waters.
It wasn't there when you were beside me nor when you were away.
It wasn't there when you sang my favorite song nor when you just listened to me singing.

The Best Poem Of Cherry Joy Clamor

My Love

My love, there is no reason for you to bleed. No reason for you to bear such sorrow and nostalgia. Live the life you wished to live and I'll just watch you on the other side of this world. I'll send you letters, corked inside the bottle. I'll send you flowers on a raft. I'll send you kisses along with the wind. I'll send you hugs through the moonlight. I'll whisper in your ears amidst silence. I'll hold you close in stillness. I'll sing you songs to engrave the corners of your memory. I'll love you eternally as our distance has become so far, far beyond infinity.

My love, though this earth is dying, let us remain alive. Let us be constant in this ever changing world. Let us be those entwined souls embedded in the deepest ocean bed that no human can fathom. That even the stars will go dim of envy on our august journey. As heartless as kismet has been to us, I will forever be heartless, you will forever have my heart. And though we walk on a different world, I'll cherish the thought of us enswathed in one moon with the same stardust above our heads.

My love, hold your tears, do not amplify the ocean's taste. Let my love rain on you from afar and surrender your anguish to the heavens. My hand is reaching to you, from the hindmost sunset that your eyes can behold. We are connected by what is invisible to the naked eye. We are linked to each other beyond season. And when our world unite in a kiss, we are what they call the eclipse.

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