Chidori Storm Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Your Pressure

Lately you have
Been constantly putting
All of this overwhelming
Pressure on me.

My Worries For Her

There is someone special
That I have in my life
She has constantly
Had me worrying.

My Roller Coaster Love

I have been on
The sweetest ride
Of my life
And it was fun.

The Emptiness Of The Soul

There are times
When the soul can’t take anymore,
And it slowly begins
To whither away and become nothing.

The Fear Of Trying

I have gone through life
With this feeling
That if I try to do something good
That I will cause more harm than good.

Fighting Fate

I have gone through
This life of mine
Trying and trying
To fight my own fate.

My Dark Mask

There are people
In my life
Who believe that I
Am a very good person.

The Pain Of Forgetting

People go through life
Trying and trying
To forget their past
To forget bad memories.

Deep Within Me

There is a part of me
That I rarely let out,
I only let it out
When I have control of it.

Too Late

What does a father do
When he can't see his own children
When every single night he cries
More than a wolf cries to the moon

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