Chinmay Gokhale

Chinmay Gokhale Poems

The world is but a canvas, and we, mere artists.
Days are but colors, and life, a lasting work.
Emotions are but shades, they embellish our feeble minds,
Every moment do we live them, in all ways and kinds.

The Best Poem Of Chinmay Gokhale

Hues Of Life

The world is but a canvas, and we, mere artists.
Days are but colors, and life, a lasting work.
Emotions are but shades, they embellish our feeble minds,
Every moment do we live them, in all ways and kinds.
Days and days along, we draw our stories,
Ups and downs through, we pint our glories.

The fury of the war, that reduces dear ones to dust,
Paint the grounds red, and leave life to rust.
Not just lives mind you, are what they cost,
The very hues of peace, are long lost.

The lives of men great, sketch ambitions in gold,
A torchbearer for the crestfallen, blue and cold.
They adorn the world, with deeds paramount,
And leave examples many, that only few may surmount.

The mysteries of life, the unexplained tales,
Are but black tints, on the bright fabric of life.
Better not seek them much, is what they say,
For they rob lives, leave the dull and grey.

The noble souls of nation, the men of the soil,
Hours in fields of green, they trudge and toil.
Its for them that our bellies are ever satisfied,
For if they choose not to, we forever subside.

The little wonders of nature, the farries of life,
Dye our lives yellow, with their vibrant smiles.
Every act of theirs, are white brushes of innocence,
Which paint the world through, blushes of life.
From the moment we enter crying,
To the moment we leave dying,
We stand as creators, an empty paper in front,
And we have the choice, what colors to hunt.

Be wise O' man! for your choices will last,
What life you led, they sure will cast.
Be not dull, do not despise yourself,
Remember these words, my dear friend,

That the world is but a canvas, and we, mere artists,
Days are but colors, and life, a lasting work.

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