Chris Lane Poems

Hit Title Date Added

When you get back in town
Please call me, I dream of
Kissing your lips again.

Data Base

Data base could not compute
by means of logical conclusion
any kind of real truth worth knowing

This dusty topographical globe had incised lines that flowed
Downwards from the axis pole in curls of random rows
And a broken line delineated a fragmented jagged nose

Tenzin Gyatso - The Dalai Lama Suggests

''You cannot look in one direction
In order to see reality:
(you) have to see in
three or four or seven dimensions:

Extraordinary Rendition - The Truth Shall Set You Free.

Imagine outsourcing interrogation to extraordinary places
Interrogation turns to torture even cold blooded murder:

Beyond the eyes of the civilized of those who may question even scrutinized

Boomerang Back - Historical Artifact 238 Years Later

Celebrated British explorer Capt. James Cook.
Who led the first Europeans to discover Australia's fertile east coast in 1770
Collected the Boomerang in question in the area of Kurnell Bayside Sydney.
Two hundred and thirty eight years later

What Happens In Vegas Stays In Vegas!

What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas!
So when Princess Kellie
took Scott
for a five day holiday....

Ramadan Crescent Moon

Ramadan crescent moon
With its unmistakable shadow
Clouds illuminated plowed aglow
With most every shape one can relate

Altair Voyager The Twin Hulled Oil Tanker

Altair Voyager, The Twin Hulled Oil Tanker
Formerly known as
Chevron's “The Condoleezza Rice”

Your Completeness.

Do You feel a sense of completeness,
Upon having seen the full moon?
It's entirely in keeping with your goddess nature,
A celestial rhythm tune.

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