chris maddela

chris maddela Poems

I-if ever there is one thing as sweeter as you
i could not believe it coc nothing compares to you
L-lower that hell higher that heaven
i wish every moment to touch your hand

The Best Poem Of chris maddela


I-if ever there is one thing as sweeter as you
i could not believe it coc nothing compares to you
L-lower that hell higher that heaven
i wish every moment to touch your hand
O-object of jealousy you always show
but my love never seems to fade but always grow
V-vow ill make it to love you honestly
pls believe in me im fallen for you hardly
E- eternal love is what i offer nothing else just a love forever
if i lost you i surely die coz your love is what makes me survive
U-understand me my dear for all i what is to have you near
till the last beat of my heart ends

your the reason why my heart still beats

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