Christina de Vries

Christina de Vries Poems

At some point people will make you ask why
When they hurt your heart and make you cry
That is the time when you have to try

On my wish list you will not find diamonds or pearls

I wish for trips to outer space and new worlds

To acknowledge the need for change
Can be hard to see and hard to do
Even though the need is great
To go after what is good for you

The wind has gotten a little colder
A new range of colors comes out play
As the year grows a little older
Orange, yellow and red fills up the day

The one who is worth your while
Is the one who always makes you smile
Embraces your laughs as much as your tears
Encourages your dreams, helps you through your fears

Life is about the people we meet
Randomly placed next to your seat
The stranger you helped the other day
The unexpected love that got away

In all their eyes I saw an untold story
Behind the smile a hidden worry
While the summer found out it couldn't stay
The leaves had many stories to say

They said it was too pale my skin
As if it was wrong the body I was in
Young and foolish, it had to be true
The words stuck to me like superglue

You might not believe it
But it's absolutely true
Sometimes the smiling optimist
Has doubting thoughts too

The news of it all over the place
A newfound terror from an unknown face
A fear of not knowing what to look for
Of everything falling apart behind the next door

The morning no longer seems as welcoming
The air feels different somehow
A new beginning after the ending
Has left me with a new vow.

All those years ago we walked
Hand in hand we talked and talked
With no real worries in our heart
We were certain we would never be apart

In that moment when you wonder so
Thinking about where that next step will take you
Finding that hidden right path to go
Based on everything you’ve ever been through


When I was little he was my hero with an invisible cape
With stories in books we would together escape
He taught me the joy in words written down
He was my teacher but also my clown

Look at you!
You sit there with your hair put up
And that sparkly dress.


Just like falling in love
It comes with a promise of more
Some of it you know from the past
Some will be like never before

I search and search my aching heart for it
But scared I hide them all away
I do not dare to write them down just yet
It’s too soon for the words I want to say

Alone by a tree there's a girl with flowers in her hair

People passes and one of her biggest fears

The Best Poem Of Christina de Vries

Prove Them Wrong

At some point people will make you ask why
When they hurt your heart and make you cry
That is the time when you have to try

Close your eyes and slowly rewind
Change the default settings of your mind
Prepare yourself to be amazed of what you might find

Turn your tears into smiles
You can throw away those dusty, old files
You’ve already made it through those trials

Allow yourself to let it go
Be thankful for all it made you know
Appreciate how it made you grow

Take that old pain and make it into something new
And in it all your beauty will shine through
In it they will see the amazing you

Embrace all the challenges you’ve ever met
Don’t look back with any regret
Tell the world; You haven’t seen the best of me yet!

Be thankful for all of the pain
Be grateful for what it made you gain
Don’t let that hurt be all in vain

Say it out loud with the biggest glee:
“I am not vengeful. I set you free.
Thank you so much for inspiring me! ”

By this you have proved them all wrong
They thought they were the ones who were strong
But the truth is it was you all along

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