christina tina mcintosh

christina tina mcintosh Poems


i see a sign inside my head
and wondering if
im really dead
i look at you and all i see is you


there once was a tree
much smaller then me
its now much older then me
that once little tree


i love the colour pink
and i dont care what you think..its me
if i make you smile
then i have done

your my rainbow
in my life
you help me threw
my day

tick tock, tick tock
goes the clock on the wall
tick tock, tick tock
if it doest'nt stop


time is a funny thing
we never have enough
if we're running late
off we go on our special date

i wish i wish
i was a little grub
with whiskers around my tummy
i'd then climb into a honey pot

sometimes i wonder
what life is for..
i sit and think and wonder
why and what for?

love is...
in the air
thats where its ment to be
flying around...

your sparkling eyes
that shine so bright
i look at you and i see the light
i see the stars way up high


im sending my special friends
a valentine
and this card does what it says
its not to make you

michael michael
i love thee
forever and a day
just you and me

jim jim
your ever so prim
sitting there in your chair
making fun as you do

my love for you is endless
forever and a day
even more that way
my love for you


i found this poem
i think you would agree
it's a silly thing
that's been made up by me

love is in the air
thats where its ment to be
flying around..up there
for everyone to see

i have this little fantasy
and its comeing from my heart
and im wondering if..
you'll like to take part?


us few friends
you know who you are
think i'll go mad
if we ever part

christina tina mcintosh Biography

im a crazey person@play, love colour pink, and horses and anything to do with EWAN MCGREGOR, these poems not sure where thet come from somplace inside my head..(told you crazey person@play) .2 of my poems are used in the USA in valentine fantasy and the tree..which im very proud of...i also paint, do photography and glass painting..ive been putting my painting and poems toghter so its going well.)

The Best Poem Of christina tina mcintosh


i see a sign inside my head
and wondering if
im really dead
i look at you and all i see is you
looking back at me
all day long i sit and stare
and wondering if
im really there
all the people just stand and stare
can they really see me there
can they see whats in my head
oh bloody hell
then i must be dead...

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