Christine A Kysely

Christine A Kysely Poems

What is a person's value?
What is their worth?
Can it be based solely
On what is found in their empty purse?

There is a certain magic
To the first frost of the year
When autumn’s golden halo
Has been kissed by Winter’s cheer.

Twenty-two fierce beasts

Strive to control one small ball

Gladiators of the numbered turf
Helmeted heads and padded limbs
22 soldiers on the field
No more, no less, at any time

Armchair quarterback

Television is his game

As an Artist
I have faced a canvas burning bright
All of it empty
All of it white.

Time is but a fleeting moment for us...
Brief seconds in the Universe's life
The flash of a Nebula's awakening
The implosion of a high mass star.

Bite of juicy apple

Tastes of the unforbidden

I try to view each and every day
As if I were looking at it
Through Rose Colored Glasses.

Talk is cheap
That’s what they say
Say what you mean
And mean what you say.

Sunday Afternoons

America's beloved game

Ignore obvious

See the things you cannot know

I want to claim the color of love
Claim its shades, its nuances
All of them as my own
And wear them for all to see.

Fireflies dance at night
Many small fires flickering
Moon can only watch.

America always used to be known
For her thriving Industry
But now that all seems like a dream
A wistful dream from way back when

waves shape ocean's floor

diurnal, nocturnal sea

Is this the beginning
to our future
or the beginning
to our end

koi swim to surface

sunlight shows their golden hue

Beware thorny rose

Smell aroma of long life

Frozen river sleeps

Man's desires go unbidden

The Best Poem Of Christine A Kysely

What Is A Person's Value? What Is Their Worth?

What is a person's value?
What is their worth?
Can it be based solely
On what is found in their empty purse?

Can that one missing emptiness...
Take away a person's pride?
Can it belittle,
The entire worth of their life?

Is there some value,
In the light in their eyes?
Is there some value
for the past loves of their life?

Is there some value
In the all the books that they've read?
The knowledge imparted
The words that they've said?

Do they get credit
For the beauty they've seen,
Painter of paintings,
Dreamer of dreams,
Taker of photographs
Creator of life,
Mother of children,
Lover of life.

Lover of wisdom, of knowledge, of men,
Friend to all people, both dark-skinned and light,
Lover of humans,
Meets all with delight.
Lover of all things,
Both known and unseen,
Champion of causes, of persons, ideals,
Believes in the future, values every meal.

Is there some value,
To someone who really loves life,
Whose laughter fills each and every day,
In spite of their ongoing strife?

To someone who looks to the heavens,
Always amazed,
Someone who has pondered the moon,
And watched it go through its phase.

To someone who has held the earth in their hands,
Who has felt the sun on their face,
Who is raising their own children,
Who puts on a brave face.

What is the value,
Of one who has financially hit a wall,
Who has often sat here and pondered,
And tried to make sense of it all.

What is my Value?
What is my Worth?
Will I be valued solely,
By what is contained in my purse?

(November 9,2010 Wausau, Wisconsin)

(c) Copyright 2010 by Christine A Kysely, All Rights Reserved

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