Christy Evans

Christy Evans Poems

Christy Evans Biography

had a hard life alchohloic mother and never met father with my mother having skitzophrienia, abondond me was in foster care 2 times and now have a family of my own but have lost two children to a blood disorder I have both were born lived 45 mins both girls and I am thankful I got two living kids my boy 7 and my girl 5)

The Best Poem Of Christy Evans


Empty inside, feel so sad can't cry. Don't want to talk about why just empty inside. Like a vessel with no soul or a leaf on the wind, never to be seen again. Its like im just gone, faded away in to the void. With me what you see on the outside what is not what's within. Like I say empty inside. Lights are on, but no one is home so leave a message at the tone.

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