Cicely Fox Smith Poems

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The Bond Of Brotherhood

Not for their grandsires' homes they fell, -
For names passed down from sire to son;
Not for the soil whereon they dwell,


The 'Bride' o' Leith swings out to sea,
Breasting the snow-white foam,
And the pier is thronged with waving hands,

The Casuarina Tree (Southern Rhodesia)

Whence came you,
Wind from the sea,
Singing through
The casuarina tree?

The Charge Of The 21st Lancers

And down to the clash and the flashing of spears,
To the heart of the seething tumult of savage Emirs,

The Charge Of The 23rd Light Dragoons At Talavera

O, hearts leapt up lightly, and steel flashed out ready,
When the Light Dragoons formed for combat that day,

The China Sea

Did you see the poor old hooker, by the ocean wharf she lay?
Her decks are foul with harbour grime, she hasn't long to stay,

The Circus In The West

All through the little prairie town
'Mid dusty levels broad and brown
I saw the Circus pacing on;
I felt its vague barbaric spell,

The Clouds

All day the clouds sail by,
Out of the west, whose tears are scarcely dried,
Where the veiled sun, 'reft of his crimson pride,

The Clough Among The Hills

I know a clough where nightly
My spirit goes in dream,
Where wind-bent trees grow scantly
Beside a brawling stream,

The Colonists

We have heard a voice that calls us -
A voice that bids us go -
A voice that bids us waken
From the narrow world we know.

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