Cicely Fox Smith Poems

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O none may share the sorrow,
And none may break the spell,
For I ha' crost the weird water
An' drunk o' Weeping Well

A Bird's Call

Over the upland fields, where free and strong
The fresh hill-breezes swept,
I heard a wild bird calling all day long,
Calling as if it wept.

An ...

Thoughts In A Garden

Why, where erstwhile I sowed my choicest seeds,
Come up but weeds?
Why do large docks
Appear where should be stocks

The Elf-Child

I know not in what freakist hour
My kindred strange and wild
Did cast me out from Elfinland
To be a human child.

The Piper

I will not lift the door-latch, I will not step in
From the dark fields and the starlight and the bent and whin:

The Alligator's Children

The alligator is a creature
With not a single pleasing feature;
And even when it's very small,

The Green Thicket

All in a green thicket I heard a bird sing,
And blithe though his song was it made the tears spring,
To hear a bird sing as he swung on his spray,

The Cape Horner

I never was in clipper ships when they was in their prime:
The tea fleet an' the wool fleet, they was done afore my time:

The Clock With One Finger

The clock with one finger
Was made in the days
When time used to linger
By leisurely ways -

The Coast Of Barbary

My lad is on the water and far away from me,
And I pray God be good to him wherever he may be,
Up the sea and down the sea,

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