Clive Blake Poems

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Smoking Gun

Who ruined my confidence,
Who trampled my young dreams,
Who turned the signpost around,
Who undid all my schemes?

The Love Of My Life

You are the love …
The love of my life,
By my side both in
Good times and strife,

Harvest Mouse

Oh little mouse,
You are so small,
You are petite,
You are so cute,

One Day I Dreamed

One day I dreamed …
There was no longer any 'Third World',
Just a united 'First',
Famine clearly vanquished forever,


Don't see only our disabilit-ease,
Don't deny us basic facilit-ease,
Don't ignore our many abilit-ease,
Don't compound our varied difficult-ease,

Who Is That Strange Old Man?

I'm staring at this old man,
The old man's staring back,
His eyes are dull and misty,
His skin is weathered and slack,

Christmas Family Dinner

'Is there anyone for stuffing?
Well done George, send us down your plate,
Auntie, if you've finished with the cranberry sauce
Could you please pass it across to Kate? '

I Love You More Than Yesterday

I love you more than yesterday,
And less than I shall tomorrow,
You are the path to my happiness,
An antidote to any sorrow,

Tommy's old tractor was broken,
The thing wasn't working at all...
Who can I get to fix it, Tommy mused?
In the end, he gave Alistair a call.

Wisdom In Triplicate

Heading into Bethlehem...
Three Wise Men,
In search of a stable.

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