Coale Johnson

Coale Johnson Poems

I was walking along
When I saw a light flash.
I turned around
And it was love at first sight.

Man, oh, man, oh, man!
I hit myself with a frying pan!

Boy, oh, boy, oh, boy!

On the first day of school,
I met her in class.
I thought I was a fool
But she gave me a pass.

God saw you dying slowly,
And a cure not to be.
He wrapped you in his loving arms and said,
' Child, come with me.'

The Best Poem Of Coale Johnson


I was walking along
When I saw a light flash.
I turned around
And it was love at first sight.

The minute I saw her,
I knew she was the one.
She gave me a quick glance
And said 'How ya doin hon? '

And at that instant,
I knew that I was in a dream.
Thats why they call me the dreamer.
Cause those dreams, are smooth as cream.

And I woke up the next morning,
And then figured it all out.
'It wasn't a dream, ' said I.
And fully woke with a pout.

One step towards the door,
Almost the cat, but a miss.
She was at the door
With one little kiss.

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