Colin Yuu Poems

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Kiana Carrot

once there was once girl called Kiana Carrot
she liked to eat choc with carrot the Barrot
he liked to been eaten by Kiana carrot
he liked but it tasted like a carrot


there was a black future
it like it's feature
it was all black and bad
but the people was very sad

Beaver Destroyer

there is an destroyer
going with his dead beaver
he liked an apple but his soul
the soul of his wan't bad the apple was

Souls I Guess

souls souls going to the bull
giving him a duel and not a fool
souls souls going to the bull
he will go to the talking fool


the poppy is falling down, falling down
on the bullet of the guns still growing
the poppy is falling down by the wars of the bowel
the remembrance day it shell be

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