Colleen Algar

Colleen Algar Poems

Wide open spaces.

Open up the space, open up the heart.

Thoughtless, thoughtful, drifting flighty images…get a grip.


The Best Poem Of Colleen Algar

Soul Quest

Wide open spaces.

Open up the space, open up the heart.

Feel the heat of the sun and the cold of the snow.

Face the wind, welcome the wind, welcome the connection and flow between the souls.

Embrace the music of the wind. Use its energy to feed your own. Use its energy to move you along the path.

Run into the wind and lift off and soar to the heavens. Feel the sun on your face and back as you run and soar.

Feel the grounding of the earth, the cycle of the fallen trees and leaves, the new birth of seeds and plants and souls and your place in the cycle.

Teach the ones behind you to feel the cycle, embrace the cycle., feel it flow through and around and carry you with it.

Time immemorial. What feels like a tragedy could be a new chance to begin, a cleansing, opening the way for a new path.

Explore the path.

Notice its details, the surprises and joy along the way. You don't have to run, you may just crawl - but you have to take just that one step. And then another. And another. In whatever way feels right at the time. Let it flow.

Let the wind blow and the sun shine and the trees stand proud until their time is done.

Feel the cycle within you. Plant the flower, watch it grow with joy, and do not grieve when it dies, for it feeds the one that grows next.

Let the fire and passion of the sun warm your heart and your body, and embrace love where you find it. Let the cold of the snow and the running water cool and balance your spirit and calm your mind.

Feel and follow your heart to the joy of life.

When you are tired, rest with a clear mind, then take that small step to shake off the apathy.

Find the path and the wind, and feed from its energy. When you run with it, you give it back - the cycle of the soul.

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