Dale Harvey

Dale Harvey Poems

Yad Vashem is the Jewish Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem

Bantering, full of boyish bravado

Our banter at the bus stop, or sitting on a wall
when your breath ran out, buoyed us both.
But you have gone from know to knew.

Whiskers aquiver, a sliver of moon
cracks the black ice of winter's cloudless sky.
Perched high on his bough, the sniper will soon
have deadly use of his own night scope eye.

Labyrinthine torment
a cavern of endless fear.
Courage fails the heart.

Conkers in the yard
swing hard
stand back.

Like dandelions, at any time of the clock,
we huff and puff our seeds into the world,
believing they will survive, if not thrive,
no matter how poor the soil they land on.

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She modeled herself as a sylph
till an egg cup served as her urn.
For beauty’s sake her diet starvation.
She modeled herself as a sylph.

The Best Poem Of Dale Harvey

Yad Vashem

Yad Vashem is the Jewish Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem

Bantering, full of boyish bravado
they entered like pups let off the leash.
The mountain of broken boots and shoes
stopped them in their trainered tracks.

Their survivor guide, used to harsher inquisition
answered them directly.

‘Do you hate them now? ’
‘No son, they are not the ones who played football with bundles of babies’ bootees.’

What’s that number tattooed on your wrist? ’
‘My bar code, ready for check out.’

At thirteen not too old to cry
old enough not to want to be seen to.

They left no longer children.
It must have been the sun that made them look like owls
forced to face the day.
Blinking, blinking, blinking.

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