Daniel Brick Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Snowfall In The Night For Fabrizio Frosini

The snow had just begun to fall,
thick snowflakes falling
past the restaurant window,
when you whispered, leaning forward,

Song: Approaching Spring

To the sound of a deep melody
like the ancient circuit of the sea,
wise CHILD with summer's blood in your veins
here, in this cold northern country,

Ode To A Cottonwood Stump

I Summer 1998

great rooted one,

The Two Journeyers

When I call you to mind, I see you
with your back to all the others,
waving with your right hand
to someone out there, ahead of you even,

An Unexpected Meeting Framed By Two Solitudes

Are these connections coincidences or fate,
When the time for love and hope is late;
Could it be possible buried hearts to live
Unaware of love they guard concealed?

A Love Poem In Extremis

I love you with the slowest love
on earth, love embedded
in the mineral existence of canyons
and chasms, stretching across continents

A Daughter Remembers

I know part of the Secret
resides in this room.
The whole house, all four floors,
partakes of the Secret, the way

A Place To Drop It

Every time
I pick up desire
right away I'm on the
lookout for a place

Washing The Baby

I kiss your sloppy hands
before I wash them.
You don't resist my care.
Instead your head falls back,

September Comes

In summer, you were stunned
by green things blooming, bronzed
by heat released from every inch
of sky, carried across blue thresholds

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