Daniel Pinder

Daniel Pinder Poems

The Best Poem Of Daniel Pinder

The Poverty Man

He can't help it, you see, he's not used to this, he was wealthy, well off, In a world full of bliss, he had 9 servants, To see all of his needs, he had 13 chefs, To make the finest cheese, he isn't used to working hard, he wasn't used to sitting down, Every task he formerly did, he felt like a clown, he asked happened to his money, What happened to his wealth, And said don't say I spent it foolishly, I used it only for needs and health, But wait, He does remember, That he went on a spending spree, He used up all my money, To fill his heart with glee, Slowly and slowly, his money disappeared, his savings decreased, And what happened he had long feared, He was kicked out of the country club, a mansion he could not afford, He soon was homeless, And I prayed to the lord, he was dressed in rags, Played a harmonica for money, People only dropped in a cent or two, And snorted rudely, thought he was funny, He shopped at the thrift store, Ate from the trash, He is disgusted with his self, He felt like a rat, He knows now he was engulfed with greed, And spent his money all buta cent, He now is incapable of living in a mansion, But, merely a tent, Now he will save up my money, Until enough for a home, But for now he is homeless, And the streets of the city he roam, Days passed without food, Water was what he had for, Breakfast, lunch and dinner, he spends his time crying tears of lost hope, Seeing a human scratching and searching each and every trash, As if he would miraculously find food, thinking it would be forever that all he hear, see, eat and touch is Poverty, a of poverty, he is Dreaming with an empty stomach filled up for a bit, For a minute he tasted his dream, For a second he hoped to live it, he wanted to be in Poverty no more, With a touch of hope, he dared to chase his dreams., With no mind-forged sinful thoughts, he strived for his belief, With a touch of God's grace, a person of poverty, he was a person of Poverty, no more

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