darin smyth

darin smyth Poems

Rainy days,
Running late
Wet keys
Locked gate


Gone and gone
Drifting on clouds
Lights seem faded
Soul feel's shaded

Night is long
All alone
My soul I fear
To remain unknown

Heart deep
Tears weep
Legs weak
Soul sleeps

Restless rain
Windows unsound
One promise given
No longer around

Sweet dreams my love
Fear you not may
For hell I'm abound
But not this day

The Best Poem Of darin smyth


Rainy days,
Running late
Wet keys
Locked gate

Brief encounter
Time and again
Coldest of souls
Often offend

Sleepless of hours
Darkest of dawns
Opening eyes
Already gone

Soulless moon
My only friend
Day starts over
Time and again

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