Darlene Sierra

Darlene Sierra Poems

One, two, three
That's all it can take
To get hooked
On something so fake

You see that fool right there
Don’t dare go near
That fool is an unwanted fool
They’ll never understand

The screams, the shouts
That echo of the wall
The silence that fills my doubts
Is the loudest of them all

The Best Poem Of Darlene Sierra


One, two, three
That's all it can take
To get hooked
On something so fake

Yet it doesn't matter
'Cause it happens everyday
Even to those close to us
'Cause sometimes it's the only way

One, two, three
You're out of the game
You fell prey
And you're the one to blame

It's not something
You can control every time
It just happens
And it becomes the perfect crime

One, two, three
There's your daily dose
Just keep on the down low
And take your pose

It's something you want
Not something you hate
If only they knew
Then it would all be great

One, two, three
Hush Hush
Don't let anyone know
That is gives you such a rush

For doing you a favor
But you want more
For giving you something else
For giving you an open door

One, two, three
It doesn't take it away
Instead it replaces it for a while
The feeling you feel everyday

It was good while it lasted
But not everything goes on
It's time to let go
But it's easier said than done

One, two, three
Goodbye my sweet
It was nice while it lasted
But your addiction, I have to beat

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