Francis Duggan Daughter Poems

Some Mother's Young Daughter

In the quiet alleyway in the dim moonlight
Some mother's young daughter she died over-night
From a drug overdose friendless and alone
Found in a disused factory doorway cold and lifeless as a stone.

The Billionaire's Daughter

The billionaire's daughter she looks rather plain
But that she is not short of suitors is not hard to explain
For many young males hearts do not rule their head
And money speaks every language as it has been said.

Some Mother's Daughter

I heard on the news on the radio today
How a young woman died in a car smash on the Calder Highway
Unmarried in her early twenties they did not give her name
Or not say where she lived or from what town she came.

Your Daughter Was A Good Person

Your daughter was a good person I believe that to be true
And the fate that was her's surely was not her due
By bullies in the workplace she was driven to suicide
In such a tragic way your beloved young daughter died

The Daughter Of Travelling People

It was in the last year of the fifties that I saw her at Millstreet Horse Fair
The daughter of an Irish Traveller one with brown eyes and curly dark hair
Without saddle she rode on her pinto pony she trotted the mare up and down
In hope to catch the eye of a buyer in the Town Square of old Millstreet Town.

The Millionaire's Daughter

She is loved and admired by her mum and her dad
Despite this the millionaire's daughter does often feel bad
About her appearance as she fights to keep the kilos down
She is not the prettiest girl in the town

She Is The Proud One's Daughter

She boasts of her son the surgeon he lives on Highbrow Street
But when asked about her daughter she seems far more discreet
She quickly changes the subject the answer she does avoid
Her ego deflating daughter to her not a source of pride.

The Good Mother She Will Stand By Her Daughter And Son

She says my son is a wonderful fellow but she never says how he is serving time
In the big prison in the big city for what is a serious crime
The bank teller he shot in an armed robbery for many weeks was hospitalized
At that he has recovered and is again working the doctors are even surprised

The Daughter Of A Traveller

The first of the calendar Spring and cold the morning air
And the sellers with their horses crowded in the old Town Square
And the traveller's daughter with the light brown hair on her pinto pony trotted up and down
Displaying to the buyers the animal she had for sale on the streets of Millstreet Town.

Doug And Jodie's Daughter Lilli

The road that runs beside her house is unsealed twisty and hilly
And she's the pride of Kalorama Doug and Jodie's daughter Lilli
She's only seventeen months old but she's a little cutie
And those who know better than I say she's a future beauty.

Guiseppe's Dark Haired Daughter

She lives far from South West Gippsland now Guiseppe's dark
haired daughter
On Italy's Adriatic coast a short drive from saltwater
Married to a young Italian their pretty dark haired baby girl born last November

Ballad Of The Sinn Feiner's Daughter

'Twas old John Mginn that told me of the tragic story of Ann
Daughter of the bold Sinn Feiner Irish freedom fighter Dan
Who led the local I.R.A. in the days of Black and Tan
And was posted by the British as a dangerous hostile man.

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