Of human ignorance I am almost in despair
For racism is around me everywhere
But like they say sheer ignorance is bliss
Just like Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss.
In the blue sky just a few specks of gray
In the evening of a beautiful day
Though last night it rained and more rain on the way
And that more rain is needed 'twould be fair to say
I have walked through tougher Harlem where few strangers dare to go
And I've been in London City in the rain and in the snow
And I've worked in inner Melbourne in the searing summer heat
And believe me if I tell you I have earned the bread I eat.
The sound of laughter is a thing of beauty for laughter spreads the very gift of joy
That people they are drawn to happy people is not that hard for to understand why
Since everybody wishes to be happy and laughter it spreads happiness around
And only the heartless could not like the sound of laughter for laughter is a very happy sound,
She sees things of beauty in all that she see
And what's beautiful to her seems ugly to me
What to her is a flower to me is a weed
We do seem so different so different indeed.
She has little money to enjoy or spend
But to other people she is a good friend
To help out her poverty line neighbours she goes out of her way
And for her assistance she never asks for pay.
Behind the facade of our big egos we constantly do hide
And pride of five letters is only that just pride
And some will even tell you pride comes before a fall
From life we have been learning from before we learned to crawl,
I love this Land Australia of gum and wattle tree
This vast and sunlit Continent is home from home for me
And though I come from a distant Land when I have had my day
Than underneath Australian soil where better place to lay.
My admiration for him it only does grow
For a braver one than he is of i may never know
A paraplegic due to a motor accident forty years ago
Now in his early sixties the admirable Mo
This is the football Season it is that time of year
When men in the pub talk football as they enjoy their beer
And look forward to September when one club will fly the winner's flag
The team that wins the Premiership gives their fans the right to brag.
The bluebells adorn the ditch of the bohreen
And on the hedgerows and in leafy groves of Dereen
The songbirds are singing in the dawning gray
Just before sunrise on a beautiful day
A Beautiful evening in March in the early Fall
The magpies are fluting the corellas call
And the red wattlebirds on the blossoming trees
Their loud cacklings carrying in the freshening breeze.
Acquaintances are many but friends are very rare
For with a true and trusting friend your secrets you can share
Your friend will comfort you and advise you and you will not betray
Your friend will never disown you and as your friend will stay
Now here is a poem for the ages that in time is bound to live on
Long after it's author Robert Murray Smith to the land of forever has gone
In every great poet there is a great poem and Ode To The Earth is Robert's best
A poem that will live on for centuries of good poetry time is the test
Some one mentioned the 'Holocaust' the old Jewish man said 'no'
Such word i do not wish to hear that happened years ago
Then he slowly folded up his sleeve and numbers etched in blue
Told of the sufferings he'd known and all he had been through.
A beautiful day in Winter with warmth in the sunlight
And the clouds in the blue sky so woolly like and white
And the white backed magpie piping on high branch of tall pine tree
A great day for to be alive and life's okay with me.
This is a multicultural town
And all shades live here black, white and brown
From all around the World everywhere
And little in common they share.
The innocence of childhood it is a marvellous thing
And all children are untainted in their life's early Spring
But by the time they've reached their teens their innocence they've lost
And the experience that we gain from age always comes at a cost.
Perhaps she is one who is not free of guile
But she is one who has such a beautiful smile
And a beautiful smile carries one a long way
It does more for one than words can ever say,
Have you ever seen the offspring of a cross between a sheep and goat
Of the parents in the young one you can see a bit of both
With the physical appearance of a goat and sheep strange as that may appear
Born of an act of Nature and in Nature of stranger things one does hear.
Racism Is Around Me Everywhere
Of human ignorance I am almost in despair
For racism is around me everywhere
But like they say sheer ignorance is bliss
Just like Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss.
Some people carry their honour in a flag
And of their Nationality they brag
They feel superior and they differentiate
And against those who are different they discriminate.
So many people still judged by their race
For such there never ought to be a place
'A fair go' those untruthful words I do recall
There is no such a thing as a 'fair go for all'.
Though we live in a so called democracy
Of racism we never will be free
They judge you by where you come from and the colour of your skin
For many equality and respect seems impossible to win.
It's been awhile since the days of Martin Luther King
His name to it has a familiar ring
If against racism he did not choose to strive
Today the great man he would be alive.
So many holding the reins of power not spiritually aware
And racism is around me everywhere
And racism only leads to division and war
Just goes to show how ignorant some are.
jeez calm down
I love u, literally speakings facts