David Bottoms Poems

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Shooting Rats At The Bibb County Dump

Loaded on beer and whiskey, we ride
to the dump in carloads
to turn our headlights across the wasted field,
freeze the startled eyes of rats against mounds of rubbish.

My Daughter At The Gymnastics Party

When I sat for a moment in the bleachers
of the lower-school gym

An Owl

Twice through my bedroom window
I've seen the horned owl drop from the oaks to panic

Under The Vulture-Tree

We have all seen them circling pastures,
have looked up from the mouth of a barn, a pine clearing,

Neighbors, Throwing Knives

In the woods at the corner of our yards
we hang the plywood squares,

Sign For My Father, Who Stressed The Bunt

On the rough diamond,
the hand-cut field below the dog lot and barn,

A Walk To Carter's Lake

Look, above the creek, hummingbirds in the trumpet vine.
Not too close, wait. See the green blurs

In The Black Camaro

Through the orange glow of taillights,
I crossed the dirt road, entered

In A U-Haul North Of Damascus

Lord, what are the sins
I have tried to leave behind me? The bad checks,

Kelly Sleeping

Sometimes when she sleeps, her face against the pillow (or sheet)
almost achieves an otherworldly peace.

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