David O'Mahony

David O'Mahony Poems

To min precious cup I wet min lips.
And gorge ‘pon the keeper in min midst
And woe betide man that befallen to thee,
Should come astride wisdom as well as gliw.

Minted music sweeps vociferously past unharried ants
Supple beats cry whale-like amid the microcosmic vistas
Conic soldiers stretch luminous orange in scented union
Turquoise skies emerge past crystal balls in miniature

In summertime abandon
sweet wafts of unknown airs
caress his face.

The anguish of pain, the embarrassment of existence, the self-critical eye withers the within; a broken soldier.
No longer can the balmy cheerfulness mask the untempered hollowness of being.
Alas! Hollowness of being! Could it be true?
Do I really exist?

I am a dancing star,
Adrift, aloft, (a laughter)
Come and perch upon my bough,
How joyous shall we be after?

The Best Poem Of David O'Mahony


To min precious cup I wet min lips.
And gorge ‘pon the keeper in min midst
And woe betide man that befallen to thee,
Should come astride wisdom as well as gliw.

And in the musings of time all shall come to pass
As plainly a suitor to a lass
The bitten, blind pilgrim prays fervently
Oh I wish a black swan should herald one day.

For the smell of the grass, and the turquoise sky,
And the birds singing sweetly and the chorkling by
Doth ever min wound feedeth high and dry
to such lofty repose, repose, ne’er me by.

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