David Watt

David Watt Poems

Eldest of eleven, with fetching dark brown eyes,
Naturally soft-spoken, bold despite my size;
Adventurous, inquisitive, described by some as pest -
In search of recreation I left the family nest.

A mountain never knows if day or night
Nor ponders over questions wrong or right,
And so it is with love when most intense
Enrapturing and capturing the heart;

The Best Poem Of David Watt

Mouse To House

Eldest of eleven, with fetching dark brown eyes,
Naturally soft-spoken, bold despite my size;
Adventurous, inquisitive, described by some as pest -
In search of recreation I left the family nest.

I travelled ‘round the corner to see what I might find,
Keeping a low profile, looking forward and behind;
When up ahead I saw it, as sure as mice love Brie -
A multi-storey pantry, fully stocked, completely free!

Packets partly open, cereal in jars,
Powdered milk, loaves of bread, tasty muesli bars,
Spaghetti, macaroni, curry, sachet stews;
I'd really hit the jackpot - all I had to do was choose!

So I started scientific, nibbling items shelf by shelf,
Commencing with the highest, counting backwards by myself;
Making sure to leave a little, for although it's not well-known,
Mice are most considerate, never stripping feast to bone.

And being social-conscious, I invited family in;
To share in my good fortune was a duty owed to kin.
Uncles, aunts and cousins, nephews, brothers, nieces,
Journeyed in from countless walls, skirting-boards, valises.

We had a lovely holiday - the climate staying mild,
Safe inside the pantry where we partied something wild,
Rested by the light of day, feasted by the night,
Preened our fur and whiskers, staying safely out of sight.

But holidays must finish as mice and humans know,
For pantries must be tidied, roughly once a month or so.
It's then we get a yearning they call ‘The travel itch',
Moving to another house with pantry just as rich!

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