David Whalen Poems

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Why Dreams?

Why dreams? …
Why not
soft surcease instead?

The Glow In The Fog And Mist

The spectral glow of a bobbing lantern
As if tossed upon a stormy sea

Appearing..then fading anon, absorbed

Karmic Rules

The Super Power Of Bacon

The incredible superpower
of the aroma of bacon frying
And the pungent scent

I Pod Therapy (Thank God For My I Pod)

I Pod Therapy (thank God for my I Pod)

Sweaty pillow, overfull bladder
Three A.M., wide awake,

Just A Tad Snookered?

I Mighta Been a tad snookered

I remember you dimly
Through the fog of Jack Daniels

Dinna' Be Tellin' Me Friends!

I’m goin’ to tell this story to ye, if ye can keep it a hush
Since I canna’ be telling’ me friends
Twas the Saturday past, I drank a wee too much
Before me usual trek home thru’ the glens

Witchy Woman

Lost in the bayou!
It was funny at first
To an adventure lovin’ youngen
This wouldn’t be the worst

Women And Holidays (Men, Football And Beer)

Could you just imagine
the lack of imagination
If men had to buy presents
And pretty them up with decorations

Short And Cynical

You’ll always be short of something
You’ll always be needin’ this or that

You’ll always be yearnin’ for what you’re not earning

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