David Wood Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Norwegian Beauty Haiku

Norwegian fjords
With beautiful high mountains
Cast a magic spell.

Our Precious Earth

Looking down on this planet as
The sun opens with a smile from
Moons dark night. Casting away
Those drab weary shadows.

Star Warrior

Getting out from the street

The heavens tonight were

Jigsaw Politics

Jaw jaw not war war is the only way
To prevent war between Russia,
Ukraine and the west.

Haiku: Rain Drops

We burn fossil fuels;
It comes down as acid rain,
And then we drink it.

Haiku New Dawn

Last night of the year
Icicles drip from the trees
Greeting the new dawn

A Casualty Of War (Triolet)

Somewhere under the frozen earth
Beneath the snow so deep
Lay a soldier born of humble birth
Somewhere under the frozen earth

Sonnet 5: True Love

I do not only love you with just my eyes
And not just with my heart too, my dearest.
Nor do I sweet talk you with deceitful lies,
Nor do I just love you when you are nearest.

Sonnet 56: A Life In The Pub

Low misty cloud swirls damp close to the ground
Ancient parlour pubs lined the terraced street,
Slurred speech from beer costing only a pound
And smoke from cigarettes hangs around their feet;

Senryu: Love

Love, always supreme,
Will seek out the beloved
And there, rest in love.

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