Debashree Biswal

Debashree Biswal Poems

I stand amongst a myriad of dreams
Above the inhumane cries and screams
And fallin' and wreckin' was never my choice
Until I fell into the deep shadows that summoned my voice.

In this space, the night is of a bygone age
Flames encircle me, yet no warmth touches my skin
The icy depths within me usurp all homage
Tempered steel unswayed by the inferno of anger within

Amidst the icy winter fall, the ochre leaves
Frost-snogged bitter, a thread that weaves
Behold the picturesque majesty of toasty tones
Bleed and peel, yet, eternally long for the thorns.

The Best Poem Of Debashree Biswal

The Future That Never Came

I stand amongst a myriad of dreams
Above the inhumane cries and screams
And fallin' and wreckin' was never my choice
Until I fell into the deep shadows that summoned my voice.
I yearned similar how others rose from dawn
I let go of my delight, forgot my lack of brawn
I went for something where I was never meant to be
Locked in the dungeons, shackled my glee
The future stays awake and never sleeps
Long did I linger where I could find my peace
And my elation constantly cascaded with it
But little did I know my present had been split
Further and further the loop continues to act
Foolish my soul for decades from me did abstract
Enslaved in the greed of darkness, I see no lustre ahead
While I wait and weep, no bliss touches over my dead
In the winter so cold, I stay poised till death
Bleeding with hope—hope that went away with my breath
And never did I see what ecstasy was all about
The eager heart, in search of light never did sprout.

Debashree Biswal Comments

Tejeswar Patnaik 12 July 2024

Nice poem.

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