Deepak Calyampoondi Poems

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The Ocean Within Us..

As waves of sorrow and happiness do flow,
We brighten ourselves with that inner glow,
if you water it with ego, you'll get that blow,
you will be swallowed by that devil before you even know.

Without Words..

</>A harmonious union of thoughts and words,
spontaneous is their flow, like the flight of birds,
for birds fly to their destination,
so our thoughts do, without any hesitation.

On This Day..

</>Flowers from heaven fell onto my lap,
i felt excited, so much, that i clapped.
My smiling lips expanded when i read,
all those lovely notes, dipped in red.


If every gate, before you reach is closed,
when everyone gave you away, had you hoped?
Let every gate close and everyone go away,
Only hope can show you, your destined way.

A Few Words Of Wisdom

</>Dance, we do to the Devil's tune,
swinging, swaying during it's full moon,
for when young we don't care,
of what can happen when we do not hear,

A Toast Master

What does it take to make one proud,
Standing apart, amongst almost any crowd.
Stand tall, look down at your prepared speech,
and send that message, to many hearts that seek,

Message In The Bottle

Nervous fingers, Wrinkled Skin,
there was once a thought that she would win.
In the summer of her time,
there came a man to tell her 'you are mine'.

Timeless Travel

Nature's wonder, it is in you,
With thoughts that travel from you,
Seek to go without a ticket,
By the power of your sheer thought,

True Spirit Of The Light

From the darkness is born the light,
which lit our universe and thus gave us life,
can you imagine a world without any light,
there would be no life, so bright.

Dare To Dream

In the depth of your thougts,
are roses that open their petals,
it's fragrance spreads your mind,
that makes you very subtle.

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