Deepti Samant

Deepti Samant Poems

Memories of past,
when I was eleven.
Sitting under the moonlit sky,
searching the heavens.

I saw the riches of glittering folks
tootling leisurely around.
I saw the deep lustre of pearls
in the tones of ivory and brown.

Deepti Samant Biography

Hi! cute, happy......loves music and ;))

The Best Poem Of Deepti Samant

The Truth Of Magic

Memories of past,
when I was eleven.
Sitting under the moonlit sky,
searching the heavens.
I don't know for how long,
incautious about time.
I was distraught,
with thoughts of mine.
Staring through the mist,
out of darkness.
I fetched for something
beyond this silence.
Words spoken by them,
echoing my thoughts.
Magic is only in fables
is what they scoffs.
My heart urged
they are wrong.
As magic is there,
it thrived for long.
I looked up at the sky,
tears rolling down my cheeks.
If magic is there,
then why can't I see.
Knows the truth
but heart refuses to believe.
Magic is ineffable
is what it feels.
Gone are those days,
gone those fights.
Fighting with myself
than with anyone.
Magic is might,
it is in everyone.

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