Denis Martindale Poems

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The Greatest Love Of All

It's easy to love when the years are few
And hairs are not yet grey,
To whisper softly, 'I love you...
Today and every day! '

The Lovely Little Fairy Tale

Once upon a time, a long, long time ago,
There lived a little black girl whose teeth were white as snow!
She knew that she was beautiful and wonderful as well,
For everyone she ever met, these precious truths would tell.

Jungle Trail

The treacherous tiger tip-toed
Towards the jungle trail...
Obedient to the tigers' code,
He knew he must not fail.

Adorable Ii

The cheetah cub was spotted there,
For all the world to see,
Yet didn't seem to have a care
Or brag, 'Just look at me! '

Arctic Sun Ii

The white wolf danced at break of day
With sunshine beating down,
Upon the snow to melt away
Old Mother Nature's gown...

Afternoon Dip

Yes, the stream sure looked exciting
And pleased the tiger's eyes,
With his memories delighting,
He ran to Paradise!

Lying In Wait

The tiger played the waiting game...
His heartbeat cool and calm.
No doubts, no fears, no guilt, no shame
And no sense of alarm.

Winter Sun

His weary eyes were everywhere,
To track each tiny sound,
The hungry wolf beyond his lair
Trod softly on the ground.

Siberian Snow

To some, the snow's a wondrous thing
That casts its magic spell,
Beguiling both the clown and king,
Before it bids farewell...


The robin rested, looking back
At me, while I looked out.
For there I stood, all dressed in black,
No hope and full of doubt...

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