Denis Martindale Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Who Am I? I Am The Doctor!

Who am I! ? I am the Doctor!
Although my face may change,
For Lady Death, I've mocked her,
My fate to rearrange...

Make Your Words Echo Into The Future.

Let it be God's challenge
to both the young and old,
that wondrous words be treasured
as if as good as gold...

Little Prince

The leopard cub was quite petite
And on the little side,
No wonder that he looked so sweet
And gave his parents pride...


Some say the wolf was tamed by Man
And dogs began as such,
According to some Master Plan,
Though wolves aren't loved as much...

Think Big!

Sometimes my poems make me wonder!
Perhaps just an interesting tumbling of words,
like all my doubts being poured into a big bucket,
stirring them all with a big stick,

Murphy's Law And Me

I've made mistakes, of that I'm sure,
A faux pas now and then,
That's why I think of Murphy's Law
And blame that once again...

Yoda The Poet?

And why should Yoda try to write,
Of all my kind yet known
And puzzle, yes, by day, by night,
All by myself, alone?

The Symmetry Of Poetry

The symmetry of poetry
Brings harmony indeed,
As if its rhymes were meant to be
In order to succeed...

Tiger, Tiger...

The tiger's own reflection rose
From gentle water crossed,
The tiger saw it way up close,
Yet something had been lost...

Serious Intent

A tiger's not a cuddly cat
To twist his ears or tail,
A tiger's so much more than that,
How else could he prevail?

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