Denis Martindale Poems

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Tiger, Tiger...

The tiger's own reflection rose
From gentle water crossed,
The tiger saw it way up close,
Yet something had been lost...

When She Smiles

When she smiles, it's like the sunshine outshining stars above.
Transcending time and space divine with warmth and holy love.
Her joy's just like the rainbow's arc that brightens yonder sky.
Her vibrant voice sings like the lark, a gift no man could buy.

The Longest Poem In The World

The longest poem in the world
Went on and on and on...
So much that when it was unfurled,
Rolled on and on and on...

Four Ducks....

Four ducks were in the Park one day,
Their colours quite unique,
Like patchwork quilts that flew my way,
When life was looking bleak...

All Good Things Come To An End...

One of the hardest things to bear
Is when you lose a friend.
Someone you loved who made you care,
And yet all good things end.

Sarah's Choice

The unborn child was helpless there,
Within the mother's womb...
And if that mother didn't care,
Then that would be a tomb...

On Guard

It's no good sitting on the fence,
Complaining life's too hard!
For surely it would make more sense
If you remained on guard! ?

Lion Cub Playing

The cute and cuddly lion cub
Was dazzling black and white!
As if he'd joined the Zebra Club,
Outstanding, what a sight!

The Most Beautiful Girl In The World

Joyful as the day is long with smiles that males adore.
Enthusiasm ever strong as if to say, 'Encore! '
Nice and easy, wholesome, too, with brains as well as beauty.
No doubt I'd whisper, 'I love you! ' because you're quite the cutie!

The Making Of A Man

When God made Adam long ago, He fashioned him supreme,
A billion thoughts that he might know his life was not a dream...
Thus no excuses could release that Man that God had made,
If by his sins he lost God's peace and through guilt was dismayed...

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