Denis Martindale Poems

Hit Title Date Added
The Calligrapher

Sat down upon a comfy chair,
The writing tools at hand,
The coming journey oh so fair,
That few could understand...

Alpha Male

The wolf was well aware of things
That lesser wolves ignored,
For alpha males who lived like kings
Were hardly ever bored...

Black Headed Gull

An artist came along one day
And saw you as you were,
And you saw him, yet chose to stay,
Like no harm could occur...

Blue Tits On Damson Bush

Such tiny birds, such precious things,
Contented side-by-side,
One there with perfect spreadout wings,
As I looked on with pride...

Highway To Heaven!

Behind the scenes where angels fly
Or walk like common man,
Are answers to the questions, 'Why? '
That God has yet to plan...

Good Morning, Dad!

If you begin your every day
With prayers to God on high,
The chances are that come what may,
You'll ask less questions why...

The Potty Poem!

I went to sleep, at peace until
The potty poem came,
He woke me up and that's no thrill,
By shouting out my name...

It's Supernatural!

It's God who made the Universe
In which we dwell today,
It's God who made the sun, moon, stars,
Within the Milky Way...

Lynx Cub

The lynx cub smirked just like a cat
That once I used to own,
With turned up smile it calmly sat
Content to pause alone...

The Companions

Two tigers took their ease at last,
Companions to a fault,
Yet now the hunt and feast had past
They called things to a halt...

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