Denis Martindale Poems

Hit Title Date Added
I Really Remember!

I remember weeping when my Grandpa died,
I remember weeping when my Grandma died,
I remember weeping when my Uncle died,
I remember weeping when my Auntie died,

As Faithful As Forever

Yes, as faithful as forever, that's how she was to me!
She was noble, she was clever and welcomed chivalry!
She championed every worthy cause and blessed both rich and poor.
She lived obedient to God's laws and loved Him more and more!

5,4,3,2,1? We'Ve Got Your Number!

Pick up the phone, then dial your call...
They'll answer, yes, but then they'll stall!
Press 1 or 2 or 3 or 4,
Or 5 or 6 or even more...

Faith... Hope... Love...

Faith From The Father,
Hope From The Holy Spirit
And Love From The Lord Jesus!

Little Birdy

Louise looks lovely, yes, indeed.
So dainty and demure.
So sweet of face that guys take heed
When love they can't ignore.

Siberian Soul Mates

Two tigers laid upon the ground,
Stretched out like bookends there,
Against a backdrop void of sound,
With nothing to beware...

Seeds Of Faith!

The farmer has his seeds of faith,
His land is ready now
And so he takes what God once gave,
The harvest to endow...

True Poetry Is Like A Rose

True poetry is like a rose
That blossoms in each heart,
Or like a twinkling star that glows
When sunshine must depart...

Chasing The Rainbow!

From Noah to the present day,
A rainbow spans the skies,
Such that a man is prone to pray
For all that God supplies...

* The Perfect Wave! (Ian Mccormack)

Each surfer seeks the perfect wave,
It's like their Holy Grail,
It's like no need in being brave,
It's like they cannot fail...

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