Denis Martindale Poems

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Soulful Meditation

Be still and calm the hurried soul,
Take charge of it and seize control,
Such that the fleeting thoughts are calmed,
That you're defended and forearmed...

People Are Like Pearls

It's true that people are like pearls
Each shining in the sun,
To God, they're just like boys and girls
All busy having fun...

Thought-Provoking Questions

Across the TV screen they scrolled,
The questions to the show...
While just one answer could be told,
Still questions were in flow...

The Streets Of Broken Dreams

This life is more than dreams, I know,
Yet this dream came to me,
For down the streets my feet walked slow
While no-one else could see...

Noble Profile

Showing off his noble profile
So everyone could tell,
The wily wild wolf paused to smile
For life was going well...

We Will Pray For You!

Sometimes the soul is weak not strong
And prayer is hard to do...
God's saints still pray the whole day long
And we will pray for you...

Frosty Beginnings

The treasured cougar cubs looked round
At all the new-laid snow...
For magic stole away the ground
That still remained below...

Polar Bear Family

With meerkat noses all their own,
The polar bears stood near...
Without each other, all alone,
United, less to fear...

What Would Jesus Do?

The risen Lord ascended high, to leave this world behind,
Disciples saw Him in the sky, that memory in each mind...
He told them wait till power came and they were blessed in time,
To preach of Jesus, without shame, with miracles sublime...

Keep Calm Jesus Loves You

I read the poster dead ahead
Which God told me to view,
A simple truth right there was spread,

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