Denis Martindale Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Understanding God's Grace!

God is faithful in His blessing
When for God's grace we pray,
It truly is a wondrous thing
To learn God's ways each day...

Making Up!

Two lions thought of making up,
Yet who would break the ice,
Thus act mature, not like a cub,
Be wise and thus be nice?

Every Man Remembered!

Their names are there for all to see,
by those who still have eyes to see,
yet those being honoured each day
are now far beyond this world of pain,

Mountain Majesty

Snow leopard's fur, you blend so well,
You match that yonder rock,
I had to stare enough to tell
And then got quite a shock...

Do You Believe In Angels?

The Transforming Power Of Christ!

Because Christ is the King of Kings,
The Lord of Lords as well,
His is the power for all things,
In Heaven, Earth and Hell,

People Are Like Pearls

It's true that people are like pearls
Each shining in the sun,
To God, they're just like boys and girls
All busy having fun...

Soulful Meditation

Be still and calm the hurried soul,
Take charge of it and seize control,
Such that the fleeting thoughts are calmed,
That you're defended and forearmed...

Thought-Provoking Questions

Across the TV screen they scrolled,
The questions to the show...
While just one answer could be told,
Still questions were in flow...

With Intent

The lonely leopard forced to find
His next meal now and then,
Walked with intent, with single mind,
With one thought yet again...

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