Denis Martindale Poems

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The Shallow Sharing Time

There is something quite vulnerable here,
Like when you find a soulmate more than a friend,
A love more than a passing relationship...
The essence of trust issues being put to one side,

I Want To Change The World!

Everyone who wants to change the world has already done it,
just by wanting to, because that's the first step we must make
on our journey to joy, and without that first step, what next?
But once that first step has been taken, the second soon follows,

Superlove! By Denis Martindale

Every single time I support charities like Oxfam,

I am Superman, Batman, Spider-Man,

Fingers Of Freedom!

One morning, I looked out of the window,
as I let my eyes survey the garden,
to my amazement, I saw a butterfly,
there hanging within a spider's web,

The Cruel Sea!

When anger rages in the sea,
It strikes the land once more,
Erodes it microscopically
Each time it meets the shore...

The Word Of The Lord!

In ancient days, men prophesied,
Declaring all God shared,
Proclaiming Christ as crucified,
The Lamb of God prepared...

Keep Calm And Imagine

Yes, it helps to know God loves me!
Yet life still gets me down!
Though my faithful friends are lovely,
At times, I wear a frown!

Indian Tiger Family

Indian tiger family
So peaceful at this time,
Together in such harmony
That all appears sublime...

Jungle Phantom

A lone white tiger strolled along,
Exploring far and wide,
A mighty creature, oh so strong,
So difficult to hide...

Banyan Tiger

Among the trees the tiger trod,
A striking sight to see,
Yet close-up you could think him odd,
Despite such majesty...

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