Denis Martindale Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Hear God's Call!

Love is the meaning we're alive!
Love shares so others may survive!
Love cares for this world, lost souls and all!
So it lives to hear God's call!

Lucky You!

You're in love but she won't phone.
You're in love but she won't write.
You're in love but you're alone.
You're in love but what a plight.

Hear God's Call Sung To Bond's Thunderball Theme

Love is the meaning we're alive!
Love shares so others may survive!
Love cares for this world, lost souls and all!
So it lives to hear God's call!

The Power Of Love

Love lives and gives itself to us all!
Love lives and gives itself to us all!
Teaching us what to do!
Helping us every hour!

The Ultimate Sacrifice

When nations turn from peace to war,
Each soul must question why...
When Death itself is at the door,
To bring its long goodbye...

Marching To The Beat Of A Different Drummer

While music soothes the savage beast
Like hymns and psalms soothe Man,
Soothsayers say that God is pleased
When we observe His plan.

Yes, Heaven Is For Real

Yes, Heaven is for real, my friend!
The Bible makes that clear,
This life we live is not the end,
Despite each mournful tear...

* Beauty Is Upon You

Beauty is upon you like the rose without a thorn.
Beauty is upon you like the dew on grass each morn.
Beauty is upon you like the sapphire shining sea.
Beauty is upon you like the apple on the tree.

Golden Eagle

The golden eagle, what a sight!
Across the pond, they know!
A wondrous creature when in flight,
Its silhouette aglow!

The Brotherhood Of Man

How few have asked and understood!
'Who needs a helping hand? '
I pray you'll help the brotherhood,
The Brotherhood of Man...

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