Denis Martindale Poems

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Leopard Sunset

The leopard lingered in the sun
Almost at close of day,
With all its hours almost done
And fast to ebb away...

The Man Who Lost His Keys!

The man who lost his keys
Begged God while on his knees
For sometimes God agrees
And doesn't play the tease

Soulful Meditation

Be still and calm the hurried soul,
Take charge of it and seize control,
Such that the fleeting thoughts are calmed,
That you're defended and forearmed...

With Intent

The lonely leopard forced to find
His next meal now and then,
Walked with intent, with single mind,
With one thought yet again...

Thought-Provoking Questions

Across the TV screen they scrolled,
The questions to the show...
While just one answer could be told,
Still questions were in flow...

Noble Profile

Showing off his noble profile
So everyone could tell,
The wily wild wolf paused to smile
For life was going well...

The Streets Of Broken Dreams

This life is more than dreams, I know,
Yet this dream came to me,
For down the streets my feet walked slow
While no-one else could see...

Born Leader

Amid the pack, a cub was born
And each wolf watched him grow,
From fragile creature so forlorn
Beneath the moonlight glow...

The Legacy Of Love

Before the day my parents met
And love was found within
And their romance was firmly set
So they would not give in,

People Are Like Pearls

It's true that people are like pearls
Each shining in the sun,
To God, they're just like boys and girls
All busy having fun...

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