Denis Martindale Poems

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Silence Is Golden

With midnight gone, the soldier prayed...
No sign of self-control.
For war was here and faith had strayed
And he was in a hole.

Messiah: The First Judgement

++++++++++++++++++ INTRODUCTION +++++++++++++++++
++++++++++++++ Who of this Earth is higher ++++++++++++++
++++++++++++++ Than Jesus the Messiah! ? ++++++++++++++

The Furst Poem

This is me fairy furst poem
Wot I effer rote
So I arsk pleez pay attenshun.
Rite now and pleez take note.

High And Mighty

The lion lives another day
And soon it will be night.
He doesn't care, for come what may,
He taught himself to fight.

The Beautiful Kate!

Black sapphires nestle in her hair
And in her eyebrows, too.
Her gentle smiles, so sweet to share,
Are blessings ever new.

Prejudice In The Last Days

Another soul, it's not your own... and yet you get a thrill,
As you stand proud and cast a stone, perhaps new blood to spill...
With wicked words, watch evil spread and escalate some more...
And without love, you count the dead, as peace descends to war.

The Gifts That Say ' I Love You! '

As long as love exists on Earth
And stars in Heaven shine,
As long as love can prove its worth
And there's a Valentine,

The Rapture, My Father And I

'Son, follow me up the mountain! ' my Father said to me.
'The Rapture will occur this day, today, just wait and see! '
He led the way and I stayed near, to make sure he was safe
And all the while he shared the truth that helped explain his faith.


The tiger's tail swished left and right, to signal his concern.
The easy prey was in his sight, if startled, it would turn...
The tiger's whiskers twitched as well, with tension-troubled verve.
He stood transfixed, as in a spell, as if he'd lost his nerve.

Alpha Pair

Two wolves waited, no plans as yet, just watching time go by...
No enemies, no food to get, no need to fret or sigh...
The best of days that's ever been... thus they felt inspired.
The day seemed tranquil, calm, serene... all their hearts desired.

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