Denis Martindale Poems

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Have A Fruitful Christmas

December comes with Christmas love,
With blessings old and new,
With cheerful singing heard above
By Jesus who loves you!


Rebirth... and thus revival springs, like Winter to defeat,
Expressing hope for more than kings, the leaders and elite,
New golden opportunities, new thinking, new ideas
And blessings that are sure to please, dispelling ingrained fears...

The Perfect Gift

Some are so wrapped up in Christmas, they forget the perfect gift,
God the Father sent Lord Jesus, so that true love He lived,
Enough to die in shame and loss, enough to suffer all,
Enough to die upon a cross, to grant God's miracle...

The Christmas Story

It's Christmas that restores Mankind, it's Christmas we adore,
As long as Jesus stays in mind, then who could ask for more! ?
We share the story, tenderly, each Christmas when we can,
Yet not forgetting Calvary, the centre of God's plan...

Transfixed By Beauty!

When I first saw her eyes of blue, I stared at her amazed,
The way admirers often do, before such beauty's praised,
That's why she stared right back at me, a somewhat puzzled girl,
As if I were a mystery, a guy caught in a whirl…

* Elephantasy!

The elephant the drunkard saw, was neither grey or pink,
It looked much more like orange, or so that man would think...
He swore he'd no more touch a drop, or to that level sink
And made that orange elephant decline with him to drink...

And It Came To Pass...

I was born and it came to pass my parents took me home,
The way they loved me was first class wherever we would roam...
But one day came, I had to leave, they sent me off to School,
At first, of course, I chose to grieve, observing EVERY rule...

God's Dream For Africa!

I see the current state of Man, some rich beyond their dreams,
With wealth their purpose and their plan, the focus of their schemes,
The thought of gold their chief concern, they hunger still for more,
Such that from love they hate to learn, they care not for the poor...

From Strength To Strength!

A plot of land was put on sale,
Potential buyers came,
Each with a plan that couldn't fail,
The land no more the same.

Remember November!

If you've known just one day of peace, do you know what that cost?
For wars endure, till they must cease, paid for by lives we lost...
When leaders planned, then speeches staged, while others had to fall,
When bombs came down... and battles raged... and soldiers gave their all...

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