Denis Martindale Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Safe Refuge

The leopard and the cub look fine,
At rest, laid low, relaxed,
For there are times to draw the line,
Take ease, no longer taxed...

Mr And Mrs

The lion and his lioness
Were standing face-to-face,
As if the two should there address
Each reason to embrace...

Wash Time

The lion cub remained at rest
With Mother there close by,
Beside the stream where God had blessed
Each with a wistful sigh...

Fleeting Sun

The wolf was prone to roam the land,
Regardless, rain or shine,
Because he knew that life was planned,
Except for when he'd dine...

Regal White Tiger

The cute white tiger cub had grown
And gone his separate way,
Perhaps to spend his life alone
Until his dying day...


The lion's craggy face was caught,
One camera shot in time,
When there reposed and deep in thought,
Reflecting past his prime...

Elegant Reflections

The tiger's golden stripes stood out
Upon his famous frame,
Mid dazzling colours all about,
Yet none were quite the same...

Almost Extinct

Alone upon a snow-decked hill,
The tiger looked around,
Although the air was not quite still,
He hardly heard a sound...

Hot Lioness

The lioness was mighty hot,
Determined now to rest,
As if quite rooted to the spot
Where she could most be blessed...


The tiger tried a morning run
To build an appetite,
Then laid down gently while the sun
Shone down with all its might...

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