Denis Martindale Poems

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Beyond The Electron Microscope!

To think that optics can improve
Beyond what's known today,
Technology that's on the move,
Towards a better way…

A Great Depression...

A solemn mood came over me…
God knows why it appeared…
Revealing inner memory?
Expressing something feared?

The Gift Of Eternal Life!

When God made Man from common dust
And breathed life into him,
There came a sense of love and trust,
Like with the seraphim

Imagine That!

While children are allowed to play
With tiny toys at hand,
Imagination's here to stay
Within God's Wonderland...

Manual For Life!

God's manual for life provides
His truths outlined for all
And even now, God daily guides
Through each new miracle...

A Prayer For Mexico!

A vision came to me one night,
Portraying poverty,
Revealing such a solemn sight
And squalor still to see...

Patience! Patience! Patience!

A patient soul awaits the best... the best God's meant to be,
A patient soul still hates each test... each test God's meant to see...
So will we wait and hold our ground... with strong foundation laid?
Or will we fret... because we've frowned... at times we felt dismayed?

Is Prophecy For Today?

When God declares and God decrees... and prophets learn the facts,
It's here and now the prophecies are sent so Man reacts...
From ancient times, this was God's way... His prime objective then,
Yet still today, God has His say... in the affairs of men...

When Pastors Pray...

When Pastors meet and Pastors pray... God leans down from His Throne,
To listen to the words they say... and any wisdom shown...
He harkens to their fervent needs... desires, hopes and dreams,
For without Him, not one succeeds... regardless of extremes...

Amazing Grace For The Human Race!

Have you surveyed the wondrous Cross... like Christ's disciple John?
Considered such traumatic loss... and thought all hope was gone?
Watched Jesus as He wore a crown... of callous thorns that day
While blood was pouring from each frown... as that crowd chose to stay?

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