Denis Martindale Poems

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The Fear Of Beauty

It happened just the other day,
A High Street store not far away...
For there she was, so sweet of face,
While I stood staring with a gaze...

Safety In Numbers

The elephants walked gently by,
Their leather trunks hung curled...
A tender twinkle in each eye,
Not a care in the world...

White Hunter

Starvation festers deep within, just like a burning coal
And to that hunger each gives in, that hole that's in the soul.
The wolf, like lions, tigers, bears, must hunt for food to live
And just like them, he truly shares the need to take not give.

Mountain Myth

Snow leopards once were thought as myths, ghostly apparitions,
Upon the mountains and on cliffs, mostly superstitions.
Then photographs so quickly proved what first was hard to see -
The way they laid, the way they moved, no more a mystery.

Manchurian King

He was the likely candidate
To be the tiger king,
The one that Nature would create,
From him new life to bring...


White tiger cubs are harmless guys,
He's got no need to kill...
He's cute and cuddly with blue eyes
That draw you closer still...

Group Hug

The meerkats looked and looked and looked,
But nothing was in sight!
Yet all day long, the sun had cooked
And fried and fried and fried!

White Knight

As if washed clean and left to dry,
The lion looked supreme!
His mane like snowflakes floating by
To shimmer gleam by gleam...

Close Companions

Two tigers rested, both at peace,
No arguments at all,
No disagreements to release,
No sudden need to brawl...

Evening Sun

The white wolf stood and stared a while...
The water soothed his feet.
Perhaps he'd search another mile
For food that he could eat.

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