Denis Martindale Poems

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From Genesis To Jesus!

When God created everything that Man would need on Earth,
He sought to bring it all to plan and thus to prove His worth,
That He could show His perfect love and His amazing grace,
Yet even these proved not enough, as proved by what took place.

From Genesis To Jesus Christ!

When Adam sinned through Eve's advice, they both lost all they had,
For their rebellion brought its price, from then on, things went bad...
God gave a promise so sublime, redemption yet to be,
Until the fullness of that time... that time was Calvary!

Thank God For Pink Roses!

Pink roses bloomed outside her home, the true love of my life,
Her lips as sweet as honeycomb, yet would she be my wife?
She tended roses tenderly, no wonder that they grew,
Yet if she showed such love for me, I know that I would, too.

Pray For More Wisdom And More Power!

Don't think when things are going great that you don't need to pray!
It's well with you to celebrate, yet intercede each day...
You need more wisdom and more power, for you and others, too,
You need more grace to come each hour, to do what you must do...

Darkest Hour

The tiger and the lion fought, as told in years gone by,
When nations in World Wars are caught, the bombs begin to fly...
And on each land and on each sea, the armies want to win,
As if such wars were meant to be, yet who would first give in?

Jesus Christ Is On Your Side!

Christ comes to you, arms open wide for blessings to take place!
Praise God! Jesus is on your side! Receive amazing grace!
Will you respond with smiles as well, or weep with joyful tears?
Or stand like statues in a spell, condemned by shame and fears?

The Awesome Ministry Of Revelation!

To those who stand with us and pray, thank you and God bless you!
To those who planned to build each day, thank you and God bless you!

For you will strengthen all we seek, to preach Good News in Christ,

It's Not Long Now!

Each Valentine must show they've cared, as that's the thing to do!
Have you got all your gifts prepared, when saying, 'I LOVE YOU! '?
Have you a poem so sublime that's on your mind again?
Or will you get some hints in time, reminders now and then?

One Song After Another!

There is a place for which I long,
A place of harmony,
God's angels congregate in song,
All thanks to Calvary…

God Bless Us, The Church Without Walls...

God bless us! The Church Without Walls, though scattered far and wide,
Because we pray for miracles, through Christ, the crucified...
For there are signs and wonders sought, yes, every day and night
And we love every praise report, when Jesus shows His might...

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