Denis Martindale Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Love Kills Hate!

If God can love through Jesus Christ,
Forgiving Mankind's sins,
Then blessed are those who've been baptised,
For these new life begins

The Righteous Rock Of Revelation!

When Jesus Christ came to this Earth,
He brought God's righteousness,
As if to prove His Father's worth
Through miracles that bless...

Forest Water Hole

'Oh, what a day! ', the tiger thought,
'So hot, so very hot! '
So when his strength had come to nought,
He sought a cooler spot...

Revelation Rewards The Righteous!

Quote Jesus and appreciate the King of Calvary!
What miracles as yet await? God knows! And so shall we!

When sacred scriptures come to mind, God's blessings overflow,

King And Queen!

The lion and the lioness
Were restful and serene
And savouring how life can bless
Each one as king and queen...


The elephants were walking on,
As strong as tanks that day,
Beneath the sun that daily shone
Till night drew it away...

Poetry, The Poet's Final Friend

And shall it be that Man denies the essence of his soul,
Such that he rarely laughs or cries, maintaining self-control?
Without so much as thought or whim, desire borne of hope,
But merely clinging just to him, for courage meant to cope?

Revelation From The Lord!

The greatest revelation known
Comes from the Lord direct!
Such that He speaks beyond His Throne,
To saints He would select...

Third Day Warning!

A thousand years, dear saints on Earth,
To God, compose one year,
Another dawn is granted birth
And this, God's angels cheer...

Believe In Better!

Believe in better, if you can! Hold on to what proves good!
Be there to help your fellow man, in your own neighbourhood...
If bad times come, do more than pray beyond life's learning curve,
Towards a truly better day, God guiding you to serve...

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