Denis Martindale Poems

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Of Whom The World Was Not Worthy...

I met a poet who was poor… no money to his name…
Yet he kept writing more and more… for sharing was his aim…
No payment offered or received… no aid, grant or support…
But he had faith, for he believed that God would bless each thought…

The Elegance Of Eloquence

When rhymes come to an end,
it will be because God decides it must be so.
Till then, we are meant to use rhymes, sometimes.
There are poets who think in terms of conversations,

Be Transformed By The Renewing Of Your Minds

Once set alone, with just your mind,
Can thoughts become unkind?
Can they condemn each act, each sin,
Such that you just can't win?

To Calvary And Beyond!

Jerusalem and Jesus Christ... these two forever known,
The place God's Son was sacrificed... the place true love was shown,
With John and Mary standing there... compelled to see it all,
Heartbroken, sobbing unaware before God's miracle...

What's On My Mind! ?

What's on my mind! This much I know...
I've got a skull that won't let go...
And so my brain stays in the dark,
It gets no walkies in the park...

My God, My God, Why Have I Forsaken You?

Unmerited favour was mine... the day I first believed,
When You, by grace, sent love divine... the day that I received,
Yet life's temptations made me frown... to melt my faith away...
Till one by one, they took me down... because I chose to stray...

Because Of Jesus, I Have Hope!

Because of Jesus, I have hope... my hope comes from the Lord,
Christ changes hearts across the globe... with faith to stand assured,
Forgiven every sin we've done... and sins as yet to be,
For God the Father loves His Son... who died on Calvary!

The Lovely Love Of Jesus!

The lovely love of Jesus grows! It's building day by day!
And that's the truth each Christian knows... if faithful still to pray!
It's through such love this world was made! It's how forgiveness came!
The love of Jesus cannot fade! That's why we praise His Name!

Blessed By Serenity!

A songwriter got up one morning and even before dressing for the day was sitting down and writing a brand new song that had come in a dream.

The words appeared upon the page like a stream from that dream…

Revelation Of The Rapture!

Revelation of the Rapture makes miracles seem tame,
A billion souls to capture because of Jesus Name...
To raise the dead who sleep in Christ... then those alive on Earth,
Not just a few God highly prized... because they proved their worth...

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